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Drowned thermostat L4188 Honeywell


The Honeywell L4188 immersed thermostat (immersed ecostat) is designed to regulate the temperature of liquids so that it can be used in central heating installations to control the burner to regulate the temperature of the boiler water.

The sensible part of the Haniol L4188 submersible thermostat is hydraulic and is installed on the boiler with a sheath. When the water temperature inside the boiler reaches the temperature set on the ecostat, the key inside the ecstasy is cut off by the bulb and the burner fails, and after the boiler water cools, the key is reconnected and the torch is turned on. The temperature range of this model is adjustable between 25 and 95 degrees.

The L4188-honeywell L4188A immersed thermostat L4188-honeywell connects to the boiler and commands the torch with a mechanical temperature sensor to control the temperature of the liquids in the engine room.
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