Air screwdriver Hyundai model HA1316-SD including the products of the company Hyundai Construction country China under license from Korea is that the energy required through the pumps, air supply .
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This wind instrument is designed to be easy for the user to use and to prevent premature fatigue, in a completely ergonomic and light batch.
The maximum torque in this model of box wrench is 13.1 Nm, so to better understand the definition of torque, consider a screw. To close it, we need a certain amount of force, which is called torque.
Now, if for any reason the screw is too tight in place, we will definitely need more force to open it, which a more powerful device, ie a device with the ability to provide more torque, can open. The drill series and its pneumatic screwdriver are 1/4 inch in size. The release speed of this air box wrench will be 1600 rpm. The above product has a 12-month warranty from Iran Hyundai.